A Cerberus Magazine apresenta aos seus leitores o seu primeiro video promocional, onde poderão ver além da neblina e conhecer o que é esperado por todos nós. Isto só será possível se cada uma das suas partes o desejar, uma interdependência ...complexa entre a Cerberus Magazine e os seus Leitores: iremos abrir o programa Cerberus Magazine com o apoio do PPL para recolha de fundos financeiros - o objectivo deste programa é ser tornar possível a impressão da 1 edição da Cerberus Magazine com uma tiragem prevista de 5 000 revistas. A filosofia do PPL é que muitas partes do todo, doem pequenos montantes, conseguindo assim o todo recolher o montante necessário ao que se propõe a realizar.
Cerberus Magazine introduces its readers to its first promotional film, where you’ll see besides the mist and get to know what is awaited by all of us. This will only be possible of either side wishes so, a complex interdependence between Cerberus Magazine and its readers: we’ll open Cerberus Magazine’s programme with the aid of PPL for the gathering of economic resources – this programme’s goal is to enable Cerberus Magazine’s first edition print, with an expected imprint of 5000 magazines. PPL’s philosophy is that little amounts donated by many parts of the whole, thus achieving the gather of the needed to enable what it proposes to fulfil.
Cerberus Magazine introduces its readers to its first promotional film, where you’ll see besides the mist and get to know what is awaited by all of us. This will only be possible of either side wishes so, a complex interdependence between Cerberus Magazine and its readers: we’ll open Cerberus Magazine’s programme with the aid of PPL for the gathering of economic resources – this programme’s goal is to enable Cerberus Magazine’s first edition print, with an expected imprint of 5000 magazines. PPL’s philosophy is that little amounts donated by many parts of the whole, thus achieving the gather of the needed to enable what it proposes to fulfil.
Visite o site da PPL-CrowdFunding Portugal, e apoie o Projeto Cerberus Magazine.
Visit PPL-CrowdFunding Portugal's website and support The Cerberus Magazine Project.
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